Honeycomb by Fuganater

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We've been following
Honeycomb since the project's inception a year ago and last week we were treated to some absolutely awesome eye candy of forum user Fuganater's completed project.
You'd be forgiven for thinking the case was an off-the-shelf model from the likes of Mountain Mods or Case Labs, but no - Fuganater built it from scratch using metal and acrylic.
Again, the most impressive aspect of Honeycomb like Ice Blue on the previous page is the attention to detail. Fuganater made his own fan grilles using honeycomb mesh, while opting for orange and white lighting by way of LEDS, cathodes and illuminated fans.
In addition, there's another dose of Mayhem's coolant in here this month, again from the pastel range of coolings, this time Gigabyte Orange. It matches the colour scheme perfectly and Honeycomb becomes yet another example of investing effort in your project's details and colour scheme paying off handsomely.
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over the page to see more awesome work.
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